白石時間銀行社群雲聯盟 Firebase Identity and Access Management (身份認證與存權限管理), and Single Sign On (SSO, 單一登入)
歡迎想要參予認養/治理/營運 “白石時間銀行社群雲” 單位,一同來參予與支持這項結合 Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firebase 在 Mobile and Web Apps 的應用開發與服務 — as to Form, Sustain and Grow KCE2CES Community Clouds, spanning Affluence to those in need. 請點擊 “聯絡我們“!
Firebase helps mobile and web app teams succeed https://firebase.google.com/products?authuser=2.
Refer to KCE2CES Governance and Deployment (in progress) in compliance to “The NIST Cloud Federation Reference Architecture” https://www.nist.gov/publications/nist-cloud-federation-reference-architecture.”