《測試使用區塊鍊為去中心化氣候市場建立元註冊表》(Testing the use of blockchain to build a meta-registry for decentralized climate markets)
By Open Learning Campus, World Bank Group
Source: https://olc.worldbank.org/content/testing-use-blockchain-build-meta-registry-decentralized-climate-markets-0
筆者前言: 近期一位「台灣區塊鏈大學聯盟」老師,因著白石時間銀行社群雲(KCE2CES toward KCE2SDGs Community Cloud),在賦權/賦能社區有自主永續發展的治理與營運系統工具與計劃項目,直接提出有無實踐”…去中心化 IT 方法連接註冊系統…(以建立與實現)區塊鏈在跨系統共享和跟踪氣候市場數據以及在去中心化氣候市場中建立信任的(具體應用)...” (Quote as in this Source). 筆者的回應當然不會只是一個答案,而早已是一個存在可行性的解決方案: 即符合《可持續發展的社會驅動力》by 聯合國社會發展研究所(UNRISD)的社區/區域治理佈建與營運模式。
事實上,在世界銀行集團(World Bank Group)的《Carbon Markets and Pricing Learning Lab》(碳市場和定價學習實驗室),也已經有如此的實驗室,而其中這《測試使用區塊鍊為去中心化氣候市場建立元註冊表》(Testing the use of blockchain to build a meta-registry for decentralized climate markets),則已經進入模擬測試階段。 僅在此分享給已經與計劃參予加入白石時間銀行社群雲單位,如何建立與強化《可持續發展的社會驅動力》模式,即創新管理的拉動/推動(Innovation Adoption and Diffusion Power)模式,完全適用在類似於《測試使用區塊鍊為去中心化氣候市場建立元註冊表》等去中心化區塊鏈與中心化資料庫與操作流程的治理佈建與技術應用計劃項目,可以經由社區永續發展治理與營運模式,可以更具有果效來達成。
- List of Sustainable Development Goals, Targets and Indicators (可持續發展17項目標, 169項細項/子目標和232項指標清單): 17 Goals, with 169 Targets and 232 Unique Indicators (Also refer to https://sdg-tracker.org/)
- 《社區工具箱 by University of Kansas》, Kansas, USA
- 《中小微型企業 (MSME) 及其在實現可持續發展目標 (SDG) 中的作用》(Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) and their role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs))
- 《聖經與可持續發展目標: 17 天 – 17 個目標 – 17 個聖經反思 – 17 個項目 – 17 個行動》(The Bible and the SDGs: 17 DAYS – 17 GOALS – 17 BIBLE REFLECTIONS – 17 PROJECTS – 17 ACTIONS)
- 《增加社區貨幣流通:用適當的核心資源支持它》(Increase Community Currency Circulation: Back It with Appropriate Core Resources)
- 社區《數位學習歷程》建立與強化社區社會資本/足跡相關文章
最後,《白石CES時間銀行社群雲》(KCE2CES Community Cloud) 致力於全年無休《誠如台灣總統盃黑客松》社區/社群創新實踐模式! 歡迎來自台灣與台灣以外的法人/自然人單位,一起來參予實踐「e 起共善經濟」! 因為,在這裏,我們沒有提案截止日,只有致力社區/社群SDGs永續創新! 歡迎您的法人或是自然人單位,同樣在致力邁進聯合國永續發展目標 (UN Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs 17) 創新管理最後一哩路: 社區/社群單位者,與我們聯絡。

Testing the use of blockchain to build a meta-registry for decentralized climate markets By Open Learning Campus, World Bank Group |
測試使用區塊鍊為去中心化氣候市場建立元註冊表 |
The Paris Agreement recognizes that Parties may engage in climate markets through decentralized, bilateral cooperative approaches to achieve their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). However, climate markets trade different units, have differences in governance rules, and operate under different technological systems. The differences in these processes constrain market integration and add to the complexity of conducting transactions. Under the Paris Agreement, which relies on a decentralized approach to markets, climate negotiators are still determining whether a centralized infrastructure, such as the International Transaction Log under the Kyoto Protocol, should continue to facilitate communication between registries. Consistent with the bottom-up ethos of the Paris Agreement, the World Bank simulated a Climate Warehouse meta-registry to demonstrate the potential of a decentralized IT approach to link registry systems. This webinar will showcase findings from the simulation as a first step towards exploring the potential of blockchain for sharing and tracking climate markets data across systems and building trust in decentralized climate markets. | 《巴黎協定》承認締約方可以通過分散的雙邊合作方式參與氣候市場,以實現其國家自主貢獻 (NDC: Nationally Determined Contributions)。然而,氣候市場交易的單位不同,治理規則也不同,並且在不同的技術體系下運作。這些流程的差異限制了市場整合併增加了進行交易的複雜性。根據依賴於去中心化市場方法的《巴黎協定》,氣候談判人員仍在確定集中式基礎設施(如《京都協議書》下的國際交易日誌)是否應繼續促進登記處之間的溝通。與《巴黎協定》自下而上的精神一致,世界銀行模擬了一個氣候倉庫元註冊(Climate Warehouse Meta-Registry),以展示去中心化 IT 方法連接註冊系統的潛力。本次網絡研討會將展示模擬結果,作為探索區塊鏈在跨系統共享和跟踪氣候市場數據以及在去中心化氣候市場中建立信任的潛力的第一步。 |
Click to View Webinar Video: https://ustream.tv/recorded/124810703, along with your downloaded PDF: 請點擊下載 Summary Report – Simulation on Connecting Climate Market System, 2019 (PDF File with 19 Pages)
Carbon Markets and Pricing Learning Lab | 碳市場和定價學習實驗室 |
“Online learning stop that brings to you a library of leading-edge knowledge on carbon pricing and its associated topics”
The World Bank’s Climate Change Action Plan, aligned with the historic Paris Climate Agreement emphasizes the need to mitigate climate change by accelerating climate action through carbon markets and pricing. Welcome to this online learning stop that brings to you a library of leading edge knowledge on carbon pricing and its associated topics through deep dive structured courses, knowledge nuggets and web seminars. |
世界銀行的氣候變化行動計劃與具有歷史意義的巴黎氣候協議保持一致,強調需要通過碳市場和定價加速氣候行動來緩解氣候變化。 歡迎來到這個在線學習站,它通過深入的結構化課程、知識塊和網絡研討會為您帶來有關碳定價及其相關主題的前沿知識庫。 |