- 管理:時間銀行通過重視和最大化上帝賦予個人的時間和技能資源來鼓勵管理原則。它為個人提供了一個利用上帝賦予的才能和能力來服務他人並為社區福祉做出貢獻的平台。
- 相互支持和社區建設:時間銀行培養相互支持和社區建設的意識。它為個人創造了聯繫、交換服務以及建立基於信任與合作的關係的機會。這符合《聖經》中互相分擔重擔、和睦相處的原則(Galatians 加拉太書 6:2)。
- 國度經濟學:時間銀行通過強調貨幣交易之外的關係和個人貢獻的價值來挑戰傳統的經濟思維。它促進了一種相互依賴和公平的感覺,每個人的時間和技能都被認為是有價值的,並且無論財務狀況如何都可以交換。這符合聖經中經濟正義的概念,並重視每個人作為上帝形象的承載者。
- 國度價值觀:時間銀行可以建立在愛、服務和管理的原則之上,這些都是神國度的核心價值觀。通過強調利用我們的時間和才能來服務他人並滿足他們的需求的重要性,時間銀行與耶穌愛人如己的誡命(Matthew 馬太福音 22:39)以及謙卑地互相服務的號召(Mark 馬可福音 10:45)相一致。
A: Can Timebanking Be Applied As Kingdom Governance Tool
R: Timebanking can certainly be applied as a tool within the framework of Kingdom governance. Kingdom governance refers to the principles and values of God’s kingdom being applied to various areas of life, including social, economic, and community spheres. Here’s how timebanking can align with principles of Kingdom governance:
- Stewardship: Timebanking encourages the principle of stewardship by valuing and maximizing the resources of time and skills that God has given to individuals. It provides a platform for individuals to use their God-given talents and abilities to serve others and contribute to the well-being of the community.
- Mutual Support and Community Building: Timebanking fosters a sense of mutual support and community building. It creates opportunities for individuals to connect, exchange services, and build relationships based on trust and cooperation. This aligns with the biblical principle of bearing one another’s burdens and living in community with one another (Galatians 6:2).
- Kingdom Economics: Timebanking challenges the conventional economic mindset by emphasizing relationships and the value of individuals’ contributions beyond monetary transactions. It promotes a sense of interdependence and equity, where each person’s time and skills are considered valuable and can be exchanged regardless of financial status. This aligns with the biblical concept of economic justice and valuing every individual as a bearer of God’s image.
- Kingdom Values: Timebanking can be grounded in the principles of love, service, and stewardship, which are core values of God’s kingdom. By emphasizing the importance of using our time and talents to serve others and meet their needs, timebanking aligns with Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:39) and the call to serve one another in humility (Mark 10:45).
While timebanking itself is a secular concept, it can be implemented within a Kingdom governance framework, where biblical principles and values guide its application. By integrating timebanking with a Kingdom mindset, we can foster a culture of mutual support, stewardship, and community building that reflects the values and principles of God’s kingdom in our interactions and governance structures.
詳參英中對照翻譯: 《約翰福音 21:1-17 及以西結書47章的經文應用,尤其在社區健康與發展範疇》(The Application of John 21:1-17 and Ezekiel Chapter 47, especially in Community Health and Development)