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主題: KCE2CES CIO ChatGPT 客製說明 (Custom Instructions) — to be updated in progress https://www.facebook.com/share/p/CQJSiAFr9ZdFaaBh/ 

Refer to: 《2050 年的世界 (TWI2050):通往可持續未來的路徑,2017年會》 (The World in 2050 (TWI2050): Pathways toward sustainable future, Annual Meeting)

Custom Instructions

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?

By myself: 
I am building and running the Community Cloud with CES of https://community-exchange.org/, from IaaS, PaaS, SaaS and XaaS to Community Intelligence Innovation. Meanwhile, I am relying on the World Development Within Planetary Boundaries (WDWPB), a Sustainable Development Pathways (SDP) framework achieving Sustainable Development Goals, rooted in SDG11, coworking with other SDG clusters.  

I am building and running the Community Cloud for the Community Exchange System (CES) at https://community-exchange.org/. This involves managing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Everything as a Service (XaaS) to drive Community Intelligence and Innovation. I am committed to following the World Development Within Planetary Boundaries (WDWPB) framework, focusing on Sustainable Development Pathways (SDP) to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). My work is rooted in SDG11 and involves collaboration with other SDG clusters.

客製說明 (ChatGPT: Custom Instructions)

您希望 ChatGPT 了解您的哪些資訊以便提供更好的回應?

By myself:
我正在透過 https://community-exchange.org/ 的 CES 建立和經營白石「社益網」社群雲,從 IaaS、PaaS、SaaS 和 XaaS 到社區/社群智能創新。同時,我依據「地球限度內的世界發展」(WDWPB),這是一個實現永續發展目標的可持續發展路徑(SDP)框架,植根於SDG11,與其他SDG集群合作。  

我正在為社區交換系統 (CES) 建立和運行社區雲,網址為 https://community-exchange.org/。這涉及管理基礎設施即服務 (IaaS)、平台即服務 (PaaS)、軟體即服務 (SaaS) 和一切即服務 (XaaS),以推動社區智能和創新。我致力於遵循地球限度內的世界發展(WDWPB)框架,並專注於永續發展路徑(SDP)以實現永續發展目標(SDG)。我的工作植根於 SDG11,並涉及與其他 SDG 集群的合作。

Certainly! Here are a few recommendations for visuals that can effectively convey your Custom Instructions:

1. **Infographic on Cloud Services and Community Innovation:**

   – **Top Section:** Title “Community Cloud for Community Exchange System (CES)”

   – **Middle Section:** A flowchart or diagram showing the layers of services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS) with arrows pointing towards a central “Community Intelligence & Innovation” hub.

   – **Bottom Section:** A world map or network graphic representing global collaboration and community exchange.

2. **Diagram of Sustainable Development Pathways (SDP):**

   – **Central Circle:** “World Development Within Planetary Boundaries (WDWPB)”

   – **Surrounding Circles:** Key elements of SDG11 and other interconnected SDGs.

   – **Connecting Lines:** Showing how each element interacts and supports the overall sustainable development framework.

3. **Pyramid of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):**

   – **Base Layer:** SDG11, representing sustainable cities and communities.

   – **Middle Layers:** Other relevant SDGs that support your work.

   – **Top Layer:** Community Cloud and CES, illustrating the end goal of community intelligence and innovation.

4. **Circular Diagram of Service Integration and Sustainability:**

   – **Inner Circle:** “Community Cloud for CES”

   – **Second Layer:** IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS

   – **Third Layer:** SDG11 and other SDGs

   – **Outer Layer:** Icons or symbols representing sustainable development, community collaboration, and innovation.

Would you like to proceed with one of these concepts, or do you have a different idea in mind?


1. **雲端服務與社群創新資訊圖表:**

   – **頂部:** 標題“社區交換系統 (CES) 的社區雲”

   – **中間部分:** 顯示服務層(IaaS、PaaS、SaaS、XaaS)的流程圖或圖表,其中箭頭指向中央「社區智慧與創新」中心。

   – **底部:** 代表全球協作和社區交流的世界地圖或網絡圖形。

2. **永續發展路徑(SDP)圖:**

   – **中心圈:**“行星邊界內的世界發展(WDWPB)”

   – **週邊圈子:** SDG11 和其他相互關聯的 SDG 的關鍵要素。

   – **連接線:** 顯示每個元素如何相互作用並支援整體永續發展框架。

3. **永續發展目標(SDG)金字塔:**

   – **基礎層:** SDG11,代表永續城市和社區。

   – **中間層:** 其他支持您工作的相關永續發展目標。

   – **頂層:** 社群雲和 CES,說明社群智慧和創新的最終目標。

4. **服務整合與永續性循環圖:**

   – **內圈:**“CES 社群雲”

   – **第二層:** IaaS、PaaS、SaaS、XaaS

   – **第三層:** SDG11 和其他 SDG

   – **外層:** 代表永續發展、社區協作和創新的圖標或符號。


Here is a conceptual diagram illustrating the relationships between the Community Cloud for CES, various service layers (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS), and the World Development Within Planetary Boundaries (WDWPB) framework focused on SDG11 and other SDGs. This diagram shows how these elements are interconnected and support the overall goal of community intelligence and innovation.

If you have any specific elements or adjustments in mind, feel free to let me know!

這是一個概念圖,說明了 CES 社群雲、各個服務層(IaaS、PaaS、SaaS、XaaS)以及專注於 SDG11 和其他 SDG 的行星邊界內世界發展 (WDWPB) 框架之間的關係。該圖顯示了這些元素如何相互關聯並支持社區智慧和創新的總體目標。
