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社區集群(Community Cluster)
社區集群(Community Cluster)是指兩個或兩個以上治理單位(Governmental Units)依本章規定所設立的聯合行使職權的社區合作單位。
舉例: 社區集群說明
社區集群的五個委員會是人類住區委員會、健康社會發展和幼兒發展委員會、社區服務委員會、安全與安保委員會。 這些委員會發揮監督作用(即,他們負責「確保系統有效率且有效地運作)」、制定政策並監督其投資組合領域內的實施情況。
另社區集群的制定政策與投資組合,可藉由「社區配比基金」 (Community Matching Fund)結合全球與台灣CES社區貨幣/時間銀行系統網絡(例如《社區即是最好良藥》系統網絡),賦能社區建立與強化跨度社會資本、環境資本及文化資本的社區永續發展目標(SDG/ESG)的創新應用。而非只是單靠傳統經濟資本以「現金直接撥付」(Cash Transfer)的計劃項目模式。
Note: 請另參 聚類分析亦稱為集群分析 (Cluster Analysis); 及「配比基金」(Matching Fund)相𨶺文章。
Community Cluster means a cooperative community unit established pursuant to this chapter for the joint exercise of powers by two or more Governmental Units.
Examples of Community cluster in a sentence
The five committees in the Community cluster are Human Settlements, Health Social Development & Early Childhood Development, Community Services, and Safety & Security. These committees play an oversight role (i.e. they are responsible for ‘making sure that the system works efficiently and effectively), formulate policy, and monitor implementation within their portfolio area.