從5種至6種資本架構模式 — 永續發展目標!
筆者序: 從 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) 企業永續報告書的法尊要求,台灣的營利企業,社會企業,及非營利組織等,不管是源自國度(KRP),國家(GRP),社區(CRP),企業(ERP),學校,非營利等法人單位的資源規劃治理與營運領域,終將面對這個新典範(Paradigm)世代的營運轉型挑戰。 “...經台灣證券交易所統計,截至去年10月,已於公開信息觀察站申報的2019年CSR報告書之上市公司共計368家,上櫃公司共計118家,總計486家。又依循全球永續性報告協會之永續性報告準則(GRI可持續發展報告標準; GRI)編制的CSR報告之公司為225家大型上市公司,業涵蓋上市公司總市值之八成。…” (Source: https://udn.com/news/story/6877/5165327)
針對如何協助不管是營利企業,社會企業,及非營利組織等法人單位,如何能夠與政府單位,即政府與市場經濟的二大支柱,賦權/賦能社區單位,重塑社區第三支柱,可能才是根本可行解決之道。從原有的 “白石時間銀行社群雲“的創新模式,提升社會資本,文化資本,及經濟資本型態的群聚與轉化果效,以下這5種及6種資本模式架構 (包括製造資本,財務資本,智財資本,社會資本,人力資本,及自然/環境資本),已經可以進一步提供更完備的資本轉化模式,將能源流一起納入資訊流,金融流,人員流,及物品流的 1+4 流通的社區/社群單位協同控管模式。非常值得進一步探索相關系統的開發與應用。
The Five Capitals – a framework for sustainability
The Five Capitals Model provides a basis for understanding sustainability in terms of the economic concept of wealth creation or ‘capital’.
Any organisation will use five types of capital to deliver its products or services.
A sustainable organisation will maintain and where possible enhance these stocks of capital assets, rather than deplete or degrade them.
There are five types of sustainable capital from where we derive the goods and services we need to improve the quality of our lives.
Generating Extra Value and Business Resilience Through the ‘Six Capitals’
“…Resilience is a challenge for many businesses. In this article we look beyond financial and manufacturing capitals (See Figure 1), and delve into the manner in which the business can leverage the remaining capitals to deliver reliable services to customers and manage their overall resilience…”