國度案例: 香港 h.land 網站和『佳美之處』在文化與社會資本的群聚創新應用
筆者前言: 初次知曉與應用 JavaScript (Dec. 4, 1995), 這真已經是 1995’s 年代之事件了。 因著 Node.js (May 27, 2009)出現,筆者,才真又回過頭來重新檢視這 Programming Language.
近日,因著一位在香港的基督教教會/機構姊妹,因著基督教文字出版事工的關係,在近4年前,神奇的連結上了。她初次介紹從她異像當中,終於呈現的網站 https://h.land/ —
“…h.land 網站和『佳美之處』(jmzc.us)的使用條款和私隱聲明
本條款延續『讚美網』(zanmei.net, 2001-2007)中的相關條文,『佳美之處』(jmzc.org, 2009-2011, jmzc.us, 2012-2019)過往的一些零散說明,已及『佳美之處』網站有份聯署的『基督徒/基督教互聯網公約』(www.gongyue.org, http://www.jmzc.us/home/portal.php?mod=view&aid=29)。迄今為止愛主的基督徒在網絡事工上有各種夢想和嘗試,但是基督徒的網絡事工十有八九都是失敗的 …” Source: https://h.land/blog/1572
經說明,這網站即是以 LoopBack, a Node.js Framework, 為後端語言,及 Vue.JS 為前端語言,來開發的。真的感謝 主,這個 h.land 網站的出現,不只是知曉若是 主的事工,祂必成就。而這成就,就從這位姊妹,她的牧師先生,及她的同工,從這 h.land 網站展現了。 祈這個國度事工網站,能夠在 主裏,在「國度資源規劃」 (K: KRP, Kingdom Resources Plan)治理領域,賦權/賦能國度區域/社區時間銀行社群雲的治理與營運。
Note: 另請參 DevOps (https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps):
“…DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.[1][2] DevOps is complementary with Agile software development; several DevOps aspects came from the Agile methodology…”
“…JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvəˌskrɪpt/),[8] often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification.[9] JavaScript is high-level, often just-in-time compiled, and multi-paradigm. It has curly-bracket syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class functions.
Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web.[10] Over 97% of websites use it client-side for web page behavior,[11] often incorporating third-party libraries.[12] All major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute the code on the user’s device…” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
“…Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a “JavaScript everywhere” paradigm,[6] unifying web-application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server-side and client-side scripts…” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Node.js
資通科技參考: 12 Best Nodejs Frameworks for Web Apps in 2021
Source: https://www.simform.com/best-nodejs-frameworks/
Quick links
- Express.js- Express for Everyone
- Koa.js- Next Generation Node.js Framework
- Meteor.js- One Application, One Language
- Socket.io- Chat Apps Made Easy with Socket.io
- Nest.js- A Nestling of Code
- Sails.js- Modernized Data-Oriented MVC Framework
- Total.js- A Complete Framework
- Hapi.js- Secure than Ever
- Feather.js- F for Flexible
- Loopback.js- Better Connectivity
- Adonis.js-The Dependable Framework
- Derby.js-The Racer