主題: 《CES社群雲如何作為社會資本、經濟資本和環境資本的配比資金入口網站?》(How can CES Community Cloud act as a gateway of matching funds across Social Capital, Economic Capital and Environmental Capital?)


Continue Reading 主題: 《CES社群雲如何作為社會資本、經濟資本和環境資本的配比資金入口網站?》(How can CES Community Cloud act as a gateway of matching funds across Social Capital, Economic Capital and Environmental Capital?)

《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他們的財務報表以及ESG報告?》(How does CES Community Cloud co-work with industry and corporate managers improving and strengthening their Financial Statements as well as ESG reports?)

主題: 《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他...

Continue Reading 《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他們的財務報表以及ESG報告?》(How does CES Community Cloud co-work with industry and corporate managers improving and strengthening their Financial Statements as well as ESG reports?)