主題: ChatGPT《依據SDG16永續治理與SDG17永續夥伴關係框架,社會企業與CES社群雲的合作》(According to SDG16 and SDG17 Framework, How Social Enterprises Can be Co-working with CES in Community Cloud)

主題: ChatGPT《依據SDG16永續治理與SDG17永...

Continue Reading 主題: ChatGPT《依據SDG16永續治理與SDG17永續夥伴關係框架,社會企業與CES社群雲的合作》(According to SDG16 and SDG17 Framework, How Social Enterprises Can be Co-working with CES in Community Cloud)

主題: ChatGPT4o《將 UNWTO ESG 框架與 CES 社群雲端整合可以顯著提高旅遊永續發展會計的有效性和效率》(Can you advise the effectiveness and efficiency of this UNWTO ESG Framework before and after having CES Community’s Cloud?)

主題: ChatGPT4o《將 UNWTO ESG 框架與 ...

Continue Reading 主題: ChatGPT4o《將 UNWTO ESG 框架與 CES 社群雲端整合可以顯著提高旅遊永續發展會計的有效性和效率》(Can you advise the effectiveness and efficiency of this UNWTO ESG Framework before and after having CES Community’s Cloud?)

主題: ChatGPT《CES社群雲可以透過聯合國旅遊組織ESG框架和GSTC標準為實現 SDG11 做些什麼?》(What can CES Community Cloud do for achieving SDG11 with the UNWTO ESG Framework for Tourism Businesses and GSTC Criteria?)

主題: ChatGPT《CES社群雲可以透過聯合國旅遊組織E...

Continue Reading 主題: ChatGPT《CES社群雲可以透過聯合國旅遊組織ESG框架和GSTC標準為實現 SDG11 做些什麼?》(What can CES Community Cloud do for achieving SDG11 with the UNWTO ESG Framework for Tourism Businesses and GSTC Criteria?)

主題: 《CES社群雲如何作為社會資本、經濟資本和環境資本的配比資金入口網站?》(How can CES Community Cloud act as a gateway of matching funds across Social Capital, Economic Capital and Environmental Capital?)


Continue Reading 主題: 《CES社群雲如何作為社會資本、經濟資本和環境資本的配比資金入口網站?》(How can CES Community Cloud act as a gateway of matching funds across Social Capital, Economic Capital and Environmental Capital?)

《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他們的財務報表以及ESG報告?》(How does CES Community Cloud co-work with industry and corporate managers improving and strengthening their Financial Statements as well as ESG reports?)

主題: 《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他...

Continue Reading 《CES社群雲如何與產業和企業管理者合作改善和加強他們的財務報表以及ESG報告?》(How does CES Community Cloud co-work with industry and corporate managers improving and strengthening their Financial Statements as well as ESG reports?)