福址項目: 「移住勞工」或「國際移工」,簡稱「移工」時間銀行
“…「國際移住勞工」(英語:Foreign Worker)… 臺灣稱為「移住勞工」或「國際移工」,簡稱「移工」,多指孟加拉籍、印度籍、印尼籍,有時候也包括女工人。係指受僱員工不在原本國籍內國家與企業工作,而是到另一個國家去接受聘僱於他國公司或第三國企業[2][3]。廣義的說,移住勞工可以包括很多人。最常見的說法,是指移動到另一個國家去尋求更好的工作的人。有循合法管道進入工作的合法外勞,亦有用偷渡或其他如觀光等名義入境不法打工的非法外勞。除了工作,很多人還希望取得國籍,也就是所謂的「經濟移民」。目前全世界大約有2,500萬名外籍勞工。…” Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/外藉勞工
自2018年10月起「白石國度社群雲」 to CESTW系統平台(KCE2CES Community Cloud),努力了二年多,終於在台灣有了第一個與「國際移住勞工」(Foreign Worker),或稱「移工」福址項目(Programs)直接相關的「CESTW交換所/時間銀行單位」,在台中市行政區建置了。歡迎各位區域性及項目性法人單位與個人團體,若需要與台灣「移工」時間銀行單位協作,歡迎造訪「臺中中區時間銀行社群雲」聯盟,由「社團法人台中市國際關懷印尼協會」(https://gica.org.tw/)管理。
勞動部勞動力發展署 (https://www.wda.gov.tw/): 首頁>>分眾資源>>移工
新助民培力發展資訊網 (https://ifi.immigration.gov.tw/)
“Timebanking to meet integration challenges of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in the context of urban
poverty in the UK – a case study,” by Maastricht University
“Intercultural Learning and Communication in Time Bank Environment”
This study aims to conduct preliminary research in the field of Time Banking and its use in solving of intercultural issues. Time Banking is a system of complementary time currency where sharing is the main element. The Time Banking is used often to solve various social problems and using it to tackle intercultural learning issues is at hand. The information about precise scope and activities of Time Banks over the world are hard to access, nevertheless main focus of this study is going to be to research the possible connections between intercultural learning and communication and Time Bank environment. Main methodology used is literature review combined with previous Time Bank researches in order to determine the connection between aforementioned fields, including search of other resources to determine whether the issue was, or is, already tackled. The latter proven to be very
challenging, anyhow the results show that the Time Bank offers great opportunity for solving various intercultural issues, especially by enabling the, skill and offer-demand based exchange without taking the cultural background much in consideration, therefore opening a way for the communication among different parts of population…”