《針對CES系統網絡支持的社區健康與發展,基於WHO ICOPE和WHO-FIC框架和核心集,如何識別老年人未滿足的需要和未使用的量能來參與園藝治療計劃》(For Community Health and Development Supported by CES System and Network, Based On The WHO ICOPE and WHO-FIC Framework And Core Sets, How to Identify Elder’s Unmet Needs and Unused Capacities to Participate the Horticultural Therapy Program)

主題: 《針對CES系統網絡支持的社區健康與發展,基於WHO...

Continue Reading《針對CES系統網絡支持的社區健康與發展,基於WHO ICOPE和WHO-FIC框架和核心集,如何識別老年人未滿足的需要和未使用的量能來參與園藝治療計劃》(For Community Health and Development Supported by CES System and Network, Based On The WHO ICOPE and WHO-FIC Framework And Core Sets, How to Identify Elder’s Unmet Needs and Unused Capacities to Participate the Horticultural Therapy Program)

《社區支持農業(CSA)和園藝療法(HT)可以透過 CES社區交換系統為社區健康和發展做些什麼?》(What can Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Horticultural Therapy (HT) do with CES for Community Health and Development?)

主題: 《社區支持農業(CSA)和園藝療法(HT)可以透過 ...

Continue Reading《社區支持農業(CSA)和園藝療法(HT)可以透過 CES社區交換系統為社區健康和發展做些什麼?》(What can Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Horticultural Therapy (HT) do with CES for Community Health and Development?)

《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社區健康和發展?》(What WHO ICF and ICHI should do together to Improve Community Health and Development?)

主題:《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社區...

Continue Reading《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社區健康和發展?》(What WHO ICF and ICHI should do together to Improve Community Health and Development?)

《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社區永續利用與永續環境集群發展?》(What WHO ICF and ICHI should do to improve Sustainable Resources and Earth Precondition Clusters)

主題: 《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社...

Continue Reading《WHO ICF 和 ICHI 應如何共同努力改善社區永續利用與永續環境集群發展?》(What WHO ICF and ICHI should do to improve Sustainable Resources and Earth Precondition Clusters)